English (website’s summary)

Join the Association des familles Dostie,
is choosing to be what we agree and are pleased to recognize.

1. By consolidating all descendants of the 1st Dostie, whether by civil filiation (male) or natural filiation (female), give us the opportunity to take our place among the founding families;
2. By being part of their history and like them, look ahead, we are given the opportunity to realize that it’s our turn to trace the path;
3. By giving roots, we give our children a home base;
4. By meeting, we create links to a human scale;
5. By promoting information and discussion, we participate in knowledge sharing and unity of a subsidiary;
6. Highlighting the contribution of Dostie yesterday and today in their society, we cultivate a healthy pride, a real sense of belonging and shared values.

Sign up today, enter the family of Pierre: the door is wide open

Une réponse to “English (website’s summary)”

  1. My father was adopted in Waterville, Maine. His biological father’s name was Arthur Dostie Jr. and his mother was Bernice LeTourneau. Does this ring a bell with anyone? I’m looking to see what happened to them. I was told that his mother died in child birth. My grandparents Lena and Ernie Martin adopted him in July of 1943. My Dad was Born 1/30/43 and named Paul. His name still is Paul and I’m his eldest daughter. My french is kind of rusty.

    Valorie Martin

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